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Kick Arse. Only More.

You are bloody brilliant. 


We celebrate that. 


If you can answer the question 'What advice do you wish you could give yourself when you started out' then you have something to offer our community.


Attention Whores is designed to enable us to learn from each other through 1:1s, workshops and mentoring. So that you don't have to know the right people, be part of the right group or stumble across the right website to work on yourself, develop your offerings and find your community.


We also aim to make it easier for you to access sex-worker friendly services from therapy to accountancy and everything in between - because life's hard enough without having to deal with discrimination or ignorance now isn't it? 


We're also giving sex work a facelift. We should be seen by mainstream society as highly skilled experts who can teach them a thing or two - so why don't we?


Get vetted and get jump right in... we look forward to seeing you around.



Where do we learn how to have (better) sex?

I'm guessing not from your parents.


Porn is great entertainment but that's like trying to learn how to drive from an action movie.


Books are cool, there are some tantra retreats and some online courses kicking about...


Maybe you're lucky enough to live in an area that happens to have a kink event for the thing you like... run by enthusiasts.


So you're kinda on your own. Well, figuratively speaking 😅


Why not learn from the best? The professionals who love it and have dedicated their career to it? Who know every body type, every response, and how to stay safe?


Attention Whores is run by sex workers for sex workers. It's a tool for our own professional development, but also a way for us to share our expertise and knowledge - because everyone deserves a banging sex life.

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Get Listed

I'm a sex worker

Ready to offer your skills to other sex workers? You don't need to have any previous experience offering 1:1s or group sessions and you can run sessions however you like. We have separate listings for sex workers and sexsplorers so you can offer different information and pricing to different groups.

I provide services to sex workers

Please get in touch with us to discuss using the contact information below.

Get Listed


To ensure our safety, you must be logged in to access the calendar. You can Register here, vetting can take up to a week.

Once you're a member you can access the calendar (as well as Industry-Only blog posts) and can send an event to be approved by clicking directly on the calendar and creating an event. If your event is regular, please email us to set up a recurring listing.


Listings are currently for the UK and online only.


Get In Touch

I'm based in London, United Kingdom

I also tour the UK so get in touch if you want to meet for a coffee, virtual or otherwise.

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Thanks for submitting!

Who is Ana Decanter?

Like many sex workers, I live parallel lives. I have one foot in the business world and the other in the adult industry.


Working in the corporate sector from multinationals to solopreneurs I became more and more disillusioned with the baked in lack of respect for front line service providers in the the adult industry - both from within the industry and from without.


People don't treat us like professionals. Like experts. Like the highly skilled freelancers that we are and I want our Sexplorer Directory to showcase the fantastic skillset we've developed during our careers (be they part time or full time) and allow mainstream society to find us so they can learn how to improve their sex life from the experts.


It's also an isolated job in a decentralised sector - I only stumbled across the community 12 years in. For the Sex Worker Directory and the Calendar, I hope to create a space where sex workers can invest in their professional development and learn new skills and find mentorship no matter where they are based in the UK or what groups they happen to be part of.


The adult industry is rife with people looking to take advantage of us and I want to create a safe platform that I wish I'd had access to when I started out. One that's run by a sex worker, for other sex workers.

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